This week I threw all caution to the wind and agreed to meet a friend at, of all places, the Cheesecake Factory. Nothing tempting there, right?
I did what all good people on eating plans do before they go to a restaurant and looked online at their menu. I found a roasted chicken dish that I could have but it was similar to what I had been eating at home.
Then I saw Cashew Chicken. Oh man did that sound good. I looked over the whole menu and there were salads that would be okay (as long as the dressing was vinaigrette) and there was a turkey sandwich if I didn't eat the bread. So okay I had options.
When we met at the restaurant the Cashew Chicken still called out to me. I love stir fries and I wanted it. It came over a bed of steamed rice. No can do. I have never seen a restaurant that would serve stir fries without the rice.
I summoned my courage and asked the waiter if it could be done. He said yes and asked if I wanted an extra vegetable instead? That sounded weird to me, but I asked for my options.
Asparagus? Eh. Sounded like an odd combination.
Carrots? Nope, too sugary.
Spinach? Hmmm. Cashew chicken and spinach. That sounded okay so I agreed to that.
Oh my gosh! What came out was way better than I expected.
Everything in my bowl was okay to eat and in scarfing down my bowl full of yumminess, I forgot to take a picture. Which means I will just have to go back and order it again so you can see how fabulous the whole plate was! (heh heh)
Thank you Cheesecake Factory for helping me stick to my eating plan! Who would have thought?
This experience taught me that I can go out to eat if I work with the wait staff and ask them for options.
Since I didn't have pics of my own fabulous dinner, I grabbed a few shots from the Cheesecake Factory website so you can see some other options. Lettuce wraps are usually good (watch for the rice noodles and too many starchy veggies on the side, as well as sweetened dipping sauces), or the herbed chicken I mentioned earlier (above).
So the next time you are in a place that serves something on rice, try a vegetable instead. It was so darn good!
Tonight is a friend's birthday and we are heading to a local Mexican food place. Stay tuned to see how well I stick to plan.
Wish me luck!