Friday, February 21, 2014

Seeds for Breakfast

I am eating a new way and finding new things that taste good. I know my new way of eating is working for me because my body is already starting to feel better. 

One of the nice things about the way I am eating is that amounts don't really matter. My hunger registers seem to be resetting themselves and I now eat to my hunger level. My old eating habits seemed to make me feel hungry almost all the time.

I have found a mix of seeds and groats that I really enjoy for breakfast. This mixture is filling and tastes really good. It's crunchy and chewy and just overall yummy. 

Seed Cereal

1/2 Cup Hemp seeds
1/2 Cup Chia seeds
1/2 Cup Buckwheat groats 

Mix these 3 ingredients together and store in an air-tight container. This will make enough for 3-5 days depending on how hungry you get in the mornings. 

The night before you want your breakfast (or at least an hour before):

~3/4 Cup of Almond, Hemp, or Coconut Milk
1 Packet Stevia
1/8-1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Scoop out as much as you want for breakfast the next morning. A quarter cup is a nice amount to start with.

Cover with almond, hemp, or coconut milk. Make sure all grains are covered and there is extra milk on top. The seeds and grains will soak up the milk and thicken. Add the packet of Stevia and stir. If you don't want this really sweet, you might use a half to 3/4 of the packet of Stevia. I find using the whole packet makes it a bit sweet for me. 

Cover and put in refrigerator for at least an hour. It really is best if you let it soak up the milk overnight. 

When ready to eat, add the cinnamon and stir. The chia seeds will have absorbed a lot of the milk and some will be clumped together. Mix until the cereal is a consistent texture. 



  1. I use chia seeds, chopped nuts, and goji berries. Yum! I use vanilla almond milk and don't have to add any sugar. Sometimes I swap the gojis for wild blueberries/
